13.1 C
12 september 2024

Ventetiden er ovre for Metroidvania-fans og speedrunners! Rusted Moss er nu på Steam

Spillet der sparker adrenalinen i vejret Japans ældste indieudgiver PLAYISM kan i dag, med stor glæde annoncere, at deres længe ventede Rusted Moss nu er udkommet på Steam. Rusted Moss har...

Rusted Moss får udgivelsesdato, artbook samt originalt soundtrack

Den japanske indie game udgiver PLAYISM er glade for at kunne fortælle, at Rusted Moss udkommer 12. april Japans ældste indie udgiver, PLAYISM, er glade for at kunne fortælle, at Rusted...

Story-driven cyberpunk hack-and-slash FARSIDERS kicks off its Kickstarter

Embark on a journey as Cassie to the past and present in a cyberpunk world full of magic and mysteries! GambitGhost Studio Co., Ltd. is thrilled to showcase FARSIDERS, a...

Fractured Sanity released on Steam and Meta Quest – Dive into an intense VR...

New language options, a thrilling launch trailer and upcoming PICO 4 support Brazilian Studio United Games is thrilled to announce the release of their horror VR adventure game Fractured Sanity....

Mainframe Industries reveals Pax Dei

Veterans of the genre joins forces to create a player-driven, social sandbox MMO Mainframe Industries, the studio formed by the talent behind some of the most iconic MMO experiences from...