1.1 C
10 februar 2025

Få Battlefield 1942 gratis


EA DICE kan i år fejre 10 år med Battlefield.

Vær med til at fejre ti år med Battlefield med det spil, der startede det hele. Det mest intense kampspil, der foregår under 2. verdenskrig, kan nu spilles gratis.

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Selvom BF 1942 står under “demo”-sektionen på ovenstående side så er der tale om det komplette spil.


“When we launched Battlefield 1942 ten years ago, we had lofty ambitions to create a first-person shooter that would push the boundaries of innovation, creativity and design. We evolved the FPS gameplay formula by introducing the world to all-out warfare via land, air and sea,” said Karl Magnus Troedsson, Vice President and General Manager of DICE. “Since the beginning, the reception to the Battlefield series has been incredible thanks to our amazing fans. Every day, we strive to provide our community with great games and new ways to play as evident with Battlefield 3 Premium. We wanted to thank our fans who have supported us throughout the years by restoring Battlefield 1942 for a digital re-release and give everyone a chance to play the game that started it all.”

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