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5 maj 2024

Nier og Final Fantasy XIV Online verderne støder sammen

Et modigt nyt kapitel i Shadowbringers-historien til FINAL FANTASY XIV Online begynder i dag med frigivelsen af Patch 5.1: Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty. Patch 5.1 markerer den første...

Riot Games today announce their new franchise event, Sentinels of Light

Riot Games has announced its next major franchise event, Sentinels of Light, via a web puzzle released yesterday. Players uncovered the site via link changes in Riot's social media profiles...

Thought-provoking game draws attention and gets recognition from established gaming conference!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63HUEsHjBiU There You Are features stop-motion-inspired graphic design and with its step-by-step game process it structures the story to move forward as we explore the story of the family and...

Riot Games reveals new League of Legends Champion: Yone

After many leaks, lots of speculations and teasers, we are glad to inform you that Yone has officially been announced as the new League of Legends champion. Yasuo’s long lost brother, comes...

Mainframe Industries reveals Pax Dei

Veterans of the genre joins forces to create a player-driven, social sandbox MMO Mainframe Industries, the studio formed by the talent behind some of the most iconic MMO experiences from...