I USA udkom Playstation 4 i denne uge, mens Europa må vente til den 29 november for at kunne købe den.
Og Amerikanerne har taget godt imod den første af Next Gen konsollerne, hvor Sony har oplyst at de har solgt 1 million stk. i løbet af de første 24 timer PS4 var på markedet.
Pressemeddelelse fra Sony:
TOKYO, Nov. 17, 2013 — Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) today announced that the highly anticipated launch of the PlayStation®4 (PS4™) computer entertainment system resulted in 1 million units sold through during the first 24 hours after it became available on November 15, 2013 in the United States and Canada.
“PS4™ was designed with an unwavering commitment to gamers, and we are thrilled that consumer reaction has been so phenomenal,” said Andrew House, President and Group CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. “Sales remain very strong in North America, and we expect continued enthusiasm as we launch the PlayStation 4 in Europe and Latin America on November 29. We are extremely grateful for the passion of PlayStation fans and thank them for their continued support.”
Udviklingen i Playstation konsollerne