Molly Medusa gets a new, extended gameplay trailer

Upcoming indie game Molly Medusa now has an extended gameplay trailer, with even more clips from different parts of the game. The game is packed with hand-crafted characters, who...

Mainframe Industries reveals Pax Dei

Veterans of the genre joins forces to create a player-driven, social sandbox MMO Mainframe Industries, the studio formed by the talent behind some of the most iconic MMO experiences from...

Old fantasy legends meet the cyberpunk future in action-adventure FARSIDERS

GambitGhost Studio, a game development studio filled with passionate and dedicated souls, announces that its upcoming debut title FARSIDERS is live on Kickstarter today. FARSIDERS is a real-time top-down hack-and-slash...

Molly Medusa release date announced in new revealing trailer

Upcoming indie game Molly Medusa has a brand new trailer, and a release date of 20th April. Burning Planet Digital announced that Neckolt developed gravity-game Molly Medusa will launch...

X-Plane 12 – The most realistic flight simulator out now

X-Plane 12 is a flight simulator with real-world physics, accurate aircraft systems and an immersive simulation of the world. Laminar Research is excited to present the release of X-Plane 12....
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