ArcheAge’s Garden of the Gods: The Ipnysh Sanctuary out now!

From today, players can delve into the Ipnysh Sanctuary update for the Fantasy MMORPG ArcheAge and its Unchained version. A new dungeon, powerful gear and the second season of...

gamigo celebrates 20 years anniversary – Interview with COO Jens Knauber

gamigo is celebrating their 20th year anniversary this entire month of October, and in that connection we have been given the chance to interview COO of gamigo group, Jens...

Mangfoldighed vægter højt i kommende dansk computerspil!

0 Arcadia Fallen er navnet på det første spil fra aalborgensiske Galdra Studios. En unik digital novelle står foran sit internationale gennembrud.  Gå på oplevelse som en ung alkymist lærling, der...

Cursed Mansion wishes everybody Happy Holidays

The scary journey will soon begin! Cursed Mansion takes you on a scary journey. You must prepare yourself for malignant spirits whispering lies, while you must escape this eerie, demonic...

Swedish viking game Valheim takes the world by storm – sells over one million...

Swedish viking game Valheim takes the world by storm. Surpasses over 1.000.000 Units Sold in One Week and becomes one of the fastest selling debut games in history! Coffee Stain Publishing...
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