Patch 12.10 for League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics announced

Riot just revealed League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics Patch 12.10. League of Legends Patch 12.10 includes a variety of changes including adding the 5 High Noon skins for Sion,...

Legends of Runeterra Patch 3.8.0 Worldwalker

Riot Games just announced Legends of Runeterra Worldwalker expansion as part of Patch 3.8.0. The new expansion and update adds numerous changes including: New Expansion - Worldwalker New Cards New...

Riot Games reveal League of Legends’ Bel’Veth abilities run down and splash art

Riot Games today reveal the new League of Legends Champion Bel'Veth's abilities, ability icons and splash art. Bow before the Empress and become a part of the Lavender Sea in...

VALORANT Patch 4.10 unveiled

Riot just announced VALORANT Patch 4.10 which includes a variety of changes including improving the Omen character model, Haven map updates, adjustments to gameplay systems to improve ping and...

World Turtles, a wholesome colony builder on the back of a giant space turtle,...

Help us shape the destiny of the World Turtles - be a part of the journey until its full launch in August - Please, help us save our turtle....
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